Point of Sale
- Store owners will realize significant time savings from day one. For dollar store owners, ease of use is a must to ensure full productivity and minimal interruptions to daily operations. Our Point of Sale is designed to help you run a more efficient store from the start and includes one year of unlimited free support.
- You will replace manual, error-prone inventory and purchasing tasks with automation that helps save time and money, reduce shrinkage, and ensure efficient replenishment. Effortlessly track inventory, view real-time inventory status, and set reorder points and reorder levels.
- Purchase orders can be automatically generated from preset re-order levels and Inventory shipments can be received at the register or in the back office. Full and partial purchase order receipts can be added to your inventory with just a few clicks of the mouse. As a result, you’ll save time, reduce shrinkage, and make better decisions in ordering, buying, and pricing.
- The customer checkout experience is fast, smooth, and professional—increasing your store’s productivity and your customers’ satisfaction. Every transaction can reflect a professional, personalized identity, with your store and customer names displayed on screens and receipts.
- The Point of Sale system offers an accurate, real-time record of all sales transactions, inventory movement, returns, shrinkage reduction, credit card fraud, and discounts.
- An integrated time clock helps you track employee actions and hours at the POS for Payroll input.
- A Point of Sale is recommended by the National Retail Association for better business management.